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This is a list of 100 of the "worst" invasive species in the Global Invasive Species Database, as of 2014. The IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG), which maintains the list, acknowledges that it is "very difficult to identify 100 invasive species from around the world that really are 'worse' than any others."

Criteria for inclusion

Two criteria were used in selecting items for the list:

  • An invasive species' "serious impact on biological diversity and/or human activities"; and
  • That species' "illustration of important issues surrounding biological invasion".

According to the ISSG, "only one species from each genus was selected. Absence from the list does not imply that a species poses a lesser threat."

100 of the World's Worst Invasive Species

  1. All kinds of vampires (due to bloody conflicts with them)
  2. Bass.EXEs (undead versions)
  3. Bass.EXEs
  4. Elecman.EXEs
  5. Protoman
  6. Maverick Hunters (in the southwestern tip of Australia only)
  7. Wolf hedgehog
  8. Northern vampire bat
  9. Domestic mesoron
  10. Blueberry slug
  11. Stink bomb slug
  12. Brown tree snake
  13. Indian cobra
  14. King cobra
  15. Indian python
  16. Mocking Rahonavis
  17. Conmon coqui
  18. Cane toad
  19. Domestic goat
  20. Domestic sheep
  21. Domestic cattle
  22. Asian elephant
  23. Chacma baboon
  24. Rhesus macaque
  25. Chimpanzee
  26. Western lowland gorilla
  27. Humans
  28. Crested porcupine
  29. Giant panda
  30. European green crab
  31. Red deer
  32. Walking catfish
  33. Common carp
  34. Domestic cat
  35. Domestic dog
  36. Small Asian mongoose
  37. Dromedary camel
  38. Spotted hyena
  39. Indian peafowl
  40. Chinese giant salamander
  41. Yacare caiman
  42. Spectacled caiman
  43. Black caiman
  44. Nile crocodile
  45. Saltwater crocodile
  46. Freshwater crocodile
  47. Mugger crocodile
  48. Siamese crocodile
  49. Gharial
  50. False gharial
  51. Chinese alligator
  52. American alligator
  53. White rhinoceros
  54. Hippopotamus
  55. Mosquitofish
  56. Common vampire finch
  57. Largemouth bass
  58. House mouse
  59. Rainbow trout
  60. Jiangshi
  61. Leopard
  62. Domestic gray wolf
  63. Domestic meerkat
  64. Domestic eland
  65. Domestic blackbuck
  66. Domestic pronghorn
  67. Domestic tapir
  68. Urban North American tapir
  69. Woodstock
  70. Runner lizard
  71. Alexornis
  72. Gobipteryx
  73. Longipteryx
  74. Shunosaurus
  75. Plateosaurus
  76. Troodon
  77. Citipati
  78. Oviraptor
  79. Therizinosaurus
  80. Mononykus
  81. Shuvuuia
  82. Ornithomimus
  83. Coelophysis
  84. Ornitholestes
  85. Eoraptor
  86. Jurassic Park raptor
  87. All known pterosaur species
  88. European rabbit
  89. Devil bats
  90. Red-vented bulbul
  91. Brown trout
  92. Gray squirrel
  93. Brown rat
  94. Jerboa
  95. Wild boar
  96. Red-eared slider
  97. Common brushtail possum
  98. Koala
  99. Red kangaroo
  100. Red fox

See also
