Novum Terram Wiki

Domestic wounders are descended from the wild wounders that were domesticated. They were domesticated by Elecman.EXEs and Maverick Hunters because of their loyalty, intelligence (slightly smarter than dogs), etc. Common Humans also domesticated some. They need dog food, cat food, fruit, leaves, carrion, and insects to keep them healthy. There are more than 2,700 breeds of domestic wounders on all over the world. 

English raggedfeather

This breed of domestic Wounder, also known as the English raggedfeather, is one of the most common domestic Wounder breeds on earth.

Domestic Wounder
  • Conservation Status: Domesticated
  • Domain: Eukarya
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Subphylum: Vertebrata
  • Class: Reptilia
  • Clade: Dinosauria
  • Order: Saurischia
  • Suborder: Theropoda
  • Family: Troodontidae
  • Genus: Troodon
  • Species: Domestica
  • Scientific Name: Troodon Domestica

Eastern Domestic Wounder Sounds-0
